Year 5

Welcome to our class page where you can see and read about our work this year.

Year 4 2023-2024

Year 3 2022-2023 Archive

In English this term, we have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and in D & T we have been learning about shell structures. To combine the two, children designed and made their own chocolate bar packaging and then got to make their own chocolate bar too! Here is a selection of the packaging that children made. 

In cooking this term, children made a delicious chilli con carne. They used lots of chopping and mixing skills to create this dish. 

In DT we have been learning about levers and linkages. We applied what we learned to make a model of The Iron Man from our class text using levers to ensure parts of his body moved.



In cooking this half term, we used our chopping skills to make a Greek salad- they were very tasty!


In Science, our topic for the first half term was rocks. To learn about the different types of rocks we used different types of chocolate to make representations of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks- it was great fun! 


Making fractions

In maths we have been exploring fractions, we used play doh to make a shape. We then thought carefully about how many equal parts we would need to create 1/2 , 1/3 and 1/4. 

Seaside in a jar

In History we have been exploring the features of a seaside holiday. We then decided to create a seaside in a jar! We scooped sand into a jar and added things that you would maybe find at the beach. We then designed a picture to create a background for our beach scene. We hope you enjoyed your little piece of holiday!

Forest school!

This term in forest school and outdoor learning we looked at making structures and building bridges to help the gingerbread man cross the river without getting wet. The children worked in groups to forage materials to create a free standing structures. They then worked together to create microhabitats and bug hotels for creatures they may find in the woodland. 

How did Paddington get to London?

Year 2 have had great fun becoming authors and creating a new story plot for Paddington. The children created a story of Paddington's journey to London. They were very creative and their imaginations were amazing, one story included Paddington being eaten by a shark! Fantastic story building skills Year 2.


Year 2 were lucky enough to experience a Taekwondo session. They loved learning new skills and working on skills they may have already learnt. They worked together and showed respect for our visitor. Well done Year 2!

Mardi Gras inspired masks

In Art we have been looking at the Mardi Gras, children have worked hard to get creative to create these fabulous collages. We practiced our cutting, organising and sticking skills. We also explored the colours of the Mardi Gras and how we could incorporate the animal print designs into our collage. Fantastic work Year 2!

Exploring bulbs and seeds


In science we have been learning about plants and what they need to thrive. We have been exploring and investigating how the conditions effect a plants growth as well as a deep exploration into bulbs and seeds. We used magnifying glasses to look at bulbs as part of a plant. We made a prediction on what we thought may have been inside the seed as well as creating observation drawings of a daffodil. We then looked inside a bulb and a seed to find out what was inside. 



Comic Relief



To celebrate Comic Relief we dressed up as our favourite superheroes. Great costumes Year 2!



Lets make a prediction!



In English we have been learning about making predictions. We have been making a prediction about what sticky situation Paddington could find himself in next. The children have also been having a debate as they took on the roles of Mr and Mrs Brown and making the important decision of whether to keep Paddington. Who do we think won the debate, Mr or Mrs Brown?



World Book Day



Year 2 really got into the spirit of World Book Day this year as they dressed up as their favourite book characters. We spent the day sharing stories, becoming authors and embracing our love for reading. 



A special visitor

Year 2 have had a very special visitor but not all is as it seems. Over the course of the week the children became detectives as new clues appeared each day. First they found a brown case with a label from Darkest Peru. Next they found a jar of marmalade, red wellington boots and a map to Paddington train station. The children began to suspect who this mystery visitor may have been. The following day the children found crumbs, a marmalade sandwich and paw prints over their desks whilst Mr Bott had spotted a peculiar visitor on the CCTV. Year 2 were given the classified evidence of who exactly their visitor had been and were very shocked to find he had even sat on Miss Beaumont's chair! 



Florence Nightingale and a Soldier role play



We have been exploring our History and learning all about Florence Nightingale. The children have learnt so many new things about this historical figure and have enjoyed the learning journey. This week we have taken on the role of Florence Nightingale herself as well as a soldier, the children explored what it meant to be a soldier during this time and what it may have meant if they had become injured. The children were great at showing empathy and really got into character! 



Cooking our main course!



I proudly present, the Year 2 chefs! We have had lots of fun creating our main course ready to share with our grown ups at home. We paid close attention to food hygiene and developed our cutting skills to create a delicious tomato and chorizo pasta. 



Our final product



After weeks of product exploration, planning, and designing we created our final product. The children have worked very hard to create their bags showing impeccable resilience, particularly when it came to threading the needle. 






Year 2 have been investigating why advent is important to Christians. We explored the concept of advent and what it meant to Christians, whilst creating our own advent wreaths. 



Reverse Advent Calendar

With Christmas approaching and having learnt about advent within RE. Year 2 decided to give to those less fortunate than ourselves by setting up a reverse advent calendar. Rather than receiving a chocolate each day, throughout the month of December the children donated a food item to create a hamper to donate to the local food bank. The children devised a list of items they would like to bring and took it in turns to bring in an item each day. They were very generous and the food bank were very grateful for our donation. Not only did the children learn about the period of advent but also the life skill of giving and helping those who need it most. You should be very proud Year 2, you are so kind! 



Conscience Alley

In History, we have been learning about Guy Fawkes. We have been discussing whether we think Guy Fawkes should have tried to blow up the houses of parliament. We split into two teams and acted as if we were his conscience. The girls came up with reasons why he should do it and the boys came up with reasons why he should not. Miss Beaumont became Guy Fawkes and the children created a conscience alley. As Miss Beaumont walked down the children shared their views. 

Children in Need

The children had great fun dressing up their yellow and spots for Children In Need. We also made Pudsey biscuits. Great outfits Year 2!



Number bond challenge

In maths we have been focusing on our number bonds. The children worked in groups to create visual and practical ways to make or show their number bonds. Fantastic number work!



Colour wheel minibeasts

In Art we have been focusing on learning the difference between primary and secondary colours. We have been exploring colour mixing and observing mini beasts. We looked at the sections and shapes within mini beasts to create our final product. We worked in groups to create a master piece. Our favourite thing was using the watercolour pencils to create the desired effect. 



Health and Hygiene

In PSHE we have been looking at how we can keep our mind and bodies healthy. One of the ways we have learnt is by how and why we have to brush our teeth. We also had the school nurse come into our class and teach us the importance of handwashing and hygiene. 




In PE we have been developing our gymnastic skills. We have looked closely at the changes in our bodies when we exercise, learnt about our core strength and expanded our teamwork skills. We created routines using the rolls and balances we had learnt.



Maths on the move



Maths on the move using our playground markings. This week we have used our playground markings to help us with our number bonds and times tables. Well done Year 2!



Tricky sounds



We have been trying to make sense of some of our tricky sounds. We focused on the soft C sound and learnt a handy trick to help us spot it. The children worked in pairs to sort the words with the 'c' in using their handy trick.



Creating a collage



In Design Technology we have been learning about existing products within textiles, we decided to use magazines, newspapers, books and images we had found to create a collage of existing products to help us decide what product to make. We then explored existing products of the item we had decided to make to explore how they were joined together.



The Great Fire of London



We have been learning about the Great fire of London and exploring what life would have been like during that time. We have been looking at the structure of the houses and figuring out what could have caused the fire to spread so quickly. The children enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London and recreated the scenes using their art skills. 






Today we made our starter! Our first ever time in the kitchen and we really enjoyed using this new space. We explored the concept of kitchen hygiene, we mastered the art of chopping and best of all, we made tasty tomato and basil bruschetta to share with our grown ups.



Outdoor Learning


We have really enjoyed our first outdoor learning session exploring our Forest school area. We split into groups to find the best resources to make our own natural paintbrush using only nature. Once we had made our paintbrushes as a team, we then played nature bingo, using mud to mark off what nature item we had spotted!

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