OFSTED and Performance Data
What is OFSTED?
OFSTED are responsible for:
- The inspection and regulation of educational institutions including independent schools, state schools, academies and childcare facilities
- The inspection of agencies responsible for adoption, fostering and other social care services
- The inspection of other services for children and young people
- Carrying out research on education and social care
- Reporting on the above institutions and relaying the information to the government
What is an OFSTED rating?
OFSTED rank schools based on information gathered in inspections which they undertake. OFSTED ratings are the means by which OFSTED inspectors indicate the quality of an institution following an inspection.
There are four OFSTED ratings:
- Grade 1: Outstanding - An outstanding school provides exceptionally well for the needs of its pupils and prepares them for the next stage of their education or employment at the highest possible level. Educational institutions which are rated as 'outstanding' by OFSTED are exempt from routine OFSTED inspection unless they are nurseries, special schools or Pupil Referral Units (PRUs).
- Grade 2: Good - A good school provides well for the needs of its pupils and prepares them effectively for the next stage of their education or employment. Schools rated as 'good' receive a one-day short inspection every three years, or a full inspection if the school's performance has changed dramatically.
- Grade 3: Requires Improvement - A school that requires improvement is not inadequate, but neither is it satisfactory. Schools which are rated as requiring improvement will receive another full OFSTED inspection within two years in order to monitor their progress.
- Grade 4: Inadequate - An inadequate school has significant weaknesses and is failing to prepare its students effectively for the next stages of their lives. The management and leadership, however, are judged to be Grade 3 or above. Schools graded as inadequate will receive regular OFSTED inspections. If the management team of a Grade 4 school is not judged to be Grade 3 or above, it will be ranked as a Special Measures school. An inadequate school has significant weaknesses and is failing to prepare its students effectively for the next stages of their lives. The management and leadership, however, are judged to be Grade 3 or above.Schools graded as inadequate will receive regular OFSTED inspections. If the management team of a Grade 4 school is not judged to be Grade 3 or above, it will be ranked as a Special Measures school.
We are a GOOD school.

To view our latest inspection from 2022 please click here.
Ofsted Parent View
Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including:
- How happy your child is at the school
- How the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour
If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), we will ask how well the school supports them.
The questionnaire can be completed at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.
We will use your responses to help us plan inspections. The information you provide can:
- Inform discussions inspectors have with school leaders during an inspection
- Help Ofsted decide when to inspect a school
In addition to this, we also publish the overall summary of the responses to Ofsted Parent View. This information is anonymised.
Performance Data
2022/2023 results data for pupils who completed key stage 2 in the summer of 2023.
At Expected | Above Expected | ||
Reading | +1.3 | 87% | 30% |
Writing | -0.4 | 70% | 10% |
Maths | +1.2 | 77% | 27% |
Combined RWM | 63% |
Please click here to see to the Department for Education's performance tables site where you can see the school's assessment information for 2019/2021.