Diana Award - Respect Badge
To earn our Respect badge, we have done multiple things. We launched an assembly introducing who we were and what we were going to be doing. We split the Anti-Bullying Ambassador’s group into two and spent time teaching each Key Stage a song in BSL and talking about respecting all people on the planet, especially people with disabilities seen and unseen. We then brought the whole school together and sang the song in BSL. Everyone loved doing it and then started signing around the playground.
We have made engaging posters with positive affirmations to place around the school and we have been able to explain what some of them mean to younger children
Every class has made a display about respect and this has been really interesting for people to look at and create discussions.
We have had our pictures put up in central places for everybody to be aware of who they can come to.
We have been helping children on the playground as we are wearing our bibs and are easy to spot. We often take them into the Nurture Room to have a safe place to discuss their worries. Our group of Ambassadors feel that this is really helping because there are less incidents happening at the moment.