Anti-bullying Respect Award

Since attending the anti-bullying ambassadors training last academic year, our team of 10 children have been working very hard at their role to raise awareness around school and helping children on the playground at break and lunchtimes.
There are 3 badges that children can earn and as a team, but a lot of evidence has to be provided in order to receive each badge. We decided to work towards the 'Respect' badge first and last term the children worked very hard on different tasks around the theme of respect such as doing an assembly where they taught the school a song using British Sign Language (with Mrs Bott's help!) There have also been respect displays around school that each class have contributed to and covering this topic in PSHE lessons.
All of this hard work has resulted in them being awarded their first badge within the programme which is the 'Respect' badge.
They are now very keen to get started on working towards earning our next badge! Well done team!